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Bagheera Bella Deti Arbata

Titles - BISS - Winner of NATIONAL 2018 Specialty BRT Canada; MultiChampion ABIDS Champion; CKC Champion; UKC Champion; SUBARU TOP RALLY DOG-2 (2016); CGN; CKC CD; CKC Rally Novice (RN), CKC Rally Intermediate (RI), CKC Rally Advanced (RA) , CKC RAlly Excellent (RE); CKC RAE (Rally Advanced Excellent); CKC PCD (pre-companion dog); CKC CD (companion dog - sport title); CARO RN, UKC URO1; UKC URO2, UKC URO3; 
TOP-TEN Working Group Rally 2017 CKC (Top Dogs CANADA); RANKING #1 BRT Rally Dog 2017; #1 BRT UnitedKC (Conformation) ; #8 Conformation CKC; ; TOP 12 ABIDS 2017 Group 1 CKC - Owner Handler Conformation Show May 21 2018; Versality Novice (2022), ITD CKC (2022)
She loves fun, apples, and sleep!

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 Black Pantera Kennel


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